Exploration Science is the applied practice and study of field research using a variety of methods, technologies, and approaches to drive question-based scientific endeavors. This field fosters scientific inquiry and the application of expedition skills within a context that acknowledges the cultural and ethical implications of exploration.
As scientific endeavors become more specialized, many projects require hundreds of hours of hands-on research. Exploration Science combines scientific research theory and field skills with an outreach and educational platform that allows the general public, young and old, to join University of Miami research scientists for experiential and virtual expeditions in ecological, oceanographic, aviation and diving research.
Utilizing new technologies to engage and educate the public, Exploration Science students will be involved in citizen science project design, exploration technology applications, and field-based skills training, while receiving essential background information on the history, ethics and risks related to exploration. Students will be able to tailor their degree to best fit their interests and goals and will be prepared to lead and conduct professional exploration initiatives and expeditions in a variety of environments.
This new track is being offered at the Rosenstiel School in partnership with UM's Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy. The Abess Center fosters innovative, interdisciplinary initiatives that bridge the gap between science and environmental policy.
Exploration Science is the applied practice and study of field research using a variety of methods, technologies, and approaches to drive question-based scientific endeavors.
Dr. Keene Haywood
Exploration Science Track
Motorboat Operator Certificate Course * 1 or Scientific Small Boating * 1
Course Title
Credit Hours
RSM 600
Introduction to Research Diving Techniques
RSM 667 or 664
EVR 664
Citizen and Participatory Science
EVR 674
Theoretical Practical Issues in Exploration Science
EVR 660
& EVR 661Introduction to Marine Geographic Information Systems
and Introduction to Marine Geographic Information Systems - Laboratory * 13
RSM 700
Research Ethics
Credit Hours
Course Title
Credit Hours
EVR 665
Science and Natural History Media Production
MBE 621
Field Techniques and Instrumentation in Tropical Marine Ecology *
EVR 627
Exploration Science Field Studies *
EVR 662
Intermediate Spatial Analysis *
Credit Hours
Course Title
Credit Hours
EVR 805
MPS Internship 2
Credit Hours
Total Credit Hours
* or Elective 1 Can be taken in Fall or Spring 2 Enrollment in 2 - 6 internship credits required during a student's time in MPS. Completion of less than 2 internship credits must be approved by MPS Director. Students may enroll in more than 6 internship credits with the approval of the Program Director. Typically 2 semesters are needed to complete all aspects of the internship phase of MPS. Students may request elective courses with the consent of their Academic Advisor. Refer to the course schedules for a list of classes available on the Rosenstiel School campus. The course offerings may vary from semester to semester. For more details, visit the UM Academic Bulletin.Elective Options
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