Weather Forecasting Degree Track

Hurricane Hurricane
Master of Professional Science

Weather Forecasting provides crucial information to the public as well as supporting end-users across a wide variety of weather-dependent activities and industries.

The Weather Forecasting MPS track provides graduate-level training and experience in applied weather forecasting. The curriculum includes the application of analytical information to support specialized end-users, including agriculture, utilities, insurance, transportation, construction, and other weather-sensitive industries. Students will also develop skills in different areas of service offered by the National Weather Service, including severe weather, marine and aviation forecasts, hydrology, and tropical cyclone forecasting. This track fosters skills in writing and public communication in the context of professional weather forecasting.


Undergraduate degree in meteorology that meets, or is consistent with, the American Meteorological Society standards for a BS in meteorology, or an undergraduate degree in a closely related field (e.g., math, physics, geoscience) with similar courses in math, physics, and chemistry

Course topics:

Analysis and preparation of weather forecasts, effective use of numerical models, satellite, Doppler radar, and upper air data

Job titles:

  • Meteorologist
  • Atmospheric Scientist 
  • Marine Forecaster
  • Scientific Programmer


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  • Why this track is important?

    Weather is a part of our daily lives. From planning weekend recreational activities to assisting commercial activities (such as shipping) to protecting the public from the most severe storms, weather forecasts are crucially important. This track will provide you with the skills to enter the diversifying weather forecasting workforce.

  • Why Miami?

    Miami is a vibrant city with a reputation for its weather, from warm and sunny winters to humid and stormy summers. It has expertise in several sectors, including operational forecasting (National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center), and research at NOAA and academic institutions including the University of Miami. You will also have opportunities to interact with experts in natural hazards, environmental issues, ocean sciences, and communication, to name a few. The Weather Forecasting track offers first-class instruction in meteorology combined with a professional internship, both of which will be applicable during the future career path.

  • What can students do with this degree?

    A Master’s degree is becoming increasingly necessary to enter the weather forecasting profession. The market for weather professionals is diversifying, both in public service and in the private sector. Our graduates have launched successful careers in the National Weather Service, in weather research, and in the private sector.

  • What makes this track unique?

    You will receive training in a variety of topics, from the dynamics of atmospheric circulations to cutting-edge weather forecasting techniques, and also the opportunity to take unique courses on hurricanes, mesoscale weather, and predictability. There is also the flexibility to develop skills in GIS and data analysis.  Our internships are with top institutions such as the National Weather Service in Miami and the NOAA Hurricane Research Division, opening doors for future careers and contributing meaningfully to weather forecasting.

Track Leader

Sharanya Majumdar

Weather Forecasting Track

(305) 421-4779
Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences - Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Sciences. Research Interests: Predictability of tropical cyclone formation, motion, and intensification; weather risk communication; ensemble prediction; targeted observations aimed at optimizing current and future observing systems; data assimilation. ...

Plan Of Study Grid

Fall Course Title Credit Hours
ATM 651 Introduction to Atmospheric Dynamics 3
ATM 662 Advanced Weather Forecasting 3
EVR 660 & EVR 661

Introduction to Marine Geographic Information Systems

and Introduction to Marine Geographic Information Systems - Laboratory 1

Approved Elective 3
RSM 700 Research Ethics 0
Credit Hours 12
Spring Course Title Credit Hours
ATM 765 General Circulation of the Atmosphere 3
Approved Elective 3
Approved Elective 3
Approved Elective 3
Credit Hours 12
Summer Course Title Credit Hours
ATM 805 MPS Internship 2 2-6
Credit Hours 6
Total Credit Hours 30

1  Can be taken in Fall or Spring

2  Enrollment in 2 - 6 internship credits required during a student's time in the MPS degree program. Completion of fewer than 2 internship credits must be approved by the MPS Program Director. Students may enroll in more than 6 internship credits with the approval of the MPS Program Director. Typically, two semesters are needed to complete all aspects of the internship phase of MPS.

Elective Options

Students may request elective courses with the consent of their Academic Advisor. Refer to the course schedules for a list of classes available on the Rosenstiel School campus. The course offerings may vary from semester to semester. For more details, visit the UM Academic Bulletin.
