Evan Hovey
Track: Tropical Marine Ecosystem Management
December 2018
What is your current job and main responsibilities?
I am the Reef Injury Prevention and Response Technician in the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Coral Reef Conservation Program. My main duties include tracking commercial and recreational vessels that have anchored or grounded on reefs and pursue civil cases of law in accordance to the Coral Reef Protection Act throughout South Florida. Throughout the case process, I perform damage assessments as well as biological restoration and stabilization of the sites to assist in helping the damaged reef to get back to its pre-injured state. Through my position I also assist with other monitoring and restoration events throughout south Florida and the Keys.
Tell us about your MPS internship
My internship was hosted by Dry Tortugas National Park where my main duties were to assist in the removal of lionfish from park waters. I also helped with RVC and FRRP research cruises. This internship helped me make the connections that actually helped me get the job I have today. It also helped me meet other professionals in organizations such as NOAA, FWC, and many others for future endeavors that I may embark on in the future. The internship also provided me with many of the skills that I needed for my job.
What were your favorite classes at Rosenstiel School and why?
There are way too many good memories to count that came out of
Rosenstiel School and UM. I would have to say some of the best memories came from the Canes football games (especially the Notre Dame game), the internship in the Tortugas, and the happiest place on Earth: The Wetlab. Through these places I was able to make some lifelong friends as well as be able to interact with students, professionals, and professors alike in an extremely relaxed environment as well as in classroom.
What is your favorite Rosenstiel School memory?
My favorite classes were the research diving course and the field technique course. These were my two favorite classes because I got to experience some things most people don’t get to in a lifetime. Being able to go to Bonaire to do surveys on some of the most pristine reefs was incredible as well as being able to go out to the Broad Key research station to learn about all of the techniques that I use in my career today.
What piece of advice would you give to current or incoming MPS students?
I think the best advice I could give to new students would be to utilize the small class sizes and internship to network with professors and the professionals you are working with. Those are the people who will give you some of the best information for your future as well as maybe even help you get a job! If it was not for the connections I made throughout my time at
Rosenstiel School I would not have gotten the experience and knowledge I needed to get the career that I have.